Anything Fun Going On?’:’ A Simple Wizard to Avoid the Cold-Start Problem for Event Recommenders

Stacey Donohue, Nevena Dragovic and Maria Soledad Pera. 2016. “Anything Fun Going On?’:’ A Simple Wizard to Avoid the Cold-Start Problem for Event Recommenders”. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2016 Poster Proceedings).


In this demo, we showcase a set up wizard designed to bypass the cold start problem that often aff ects recommendation systems in the event domain. We have developed a mobile application for tourists, RelEVENT, which allows them to quickly and non-intrusively set up preferences and/or interests related to events. This will directly a ffect the degree to which they can receive personalized recommendations on-the-fly and become aware of events happening around town that might be appealing to them.
